From a huge collection of suggestions published in 1919, we found these 30 fruity 1920s drink recipes that are non-alcoholic and would still work well today. They show off some creativity, and use ingredients like fresh fruit, flavored syrups (like these at Amazon), a variety of fruit juices, sparkling water, and lots of ice.
When making these recipes, it’s important to realize that a serving size way back then was a lot smaller than we’re used to today: 6 ounces — about the amount contained in an antique Coca-Cola soda bottle — was the standard at soda fountains. As a comparison, there are 8 ounces in a standard cup measure, and 12 ounces in a standard soda can.
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1920s non-alcoholic drink recipes
Fill glass half full of cracked ice, add the juice of three limes and one tablespoonful of sugar. Fill up the glass with cold water or Apollinaris [sparkling water]. Shake well, and serve with straws.
Lime-grape cup
Mix one pint grape juice, eight tablespoonfuls of lime juice, two tablespoonfuls of strong English breakfast tea, one pint of cold water, and one tablespoonful of acid phosphate. Put in ice box, and when thoroughly chilled, fill glass one-fourth full of the syrup and add any carbonated water.
Lime and pineapple
Squeeze the juice of a lime into a tall glass, add two tablespoonfuls of plain syrup and one tablespoonful of pineapple syrup. Mix well, add shaved ice, fill up the glass with carbonated water, and at the same time put in a teaspoonful of cherry juice. Garnish with a slice of orange, and serve with straws.
Lime and grape juice
Put one tablespoonful of vanilla syrup, one tablespoonful of pineapple syrup, and two tablespoonfuls of grape juice into a glass two-thirds full of cracked ice. Add the juice of half a lime, and fill up the glass with soda water.
California cream
Put a tablespoonful of shaved ice into a glass, and pour over it three tablespoonfuls of vanilla syrup, three tablespoonfuls of orange pulp, and two tablespoonfuls of cream. Mix well, fill up with carbonated water and add a spoonful of ice cream. Serve with a spoon.
The Montclair
Put four tablespoonfuls of vanilla syrup and four tablespoonfuls of orange syrup into a glass one-fourth full of cracked ice. Fill up with carbonated water and add a spoonful of ice cream. Shake well. Serve with a spoon.
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The Harlem
Put into a shaker four tablespoonfuls of vanilla syrup and one tablespoonful of orange syrup. Shake well with a little chopped ice. Strain into a glass, add a ladleful of ice cream and a spoonful of whipped cream.
Fruit favorite
Take the juice of half a lemon and the juice of half an orange, add a little cherry juice and three tablespoonfuls of plain syrup [sugar syrup]. Put into a shaker with cracked ice, a little cold water, and shake well. Pour into a tall glass. Decorate with watercress and a cherry,
Squeeze the juice of one orange, the juice of one half a lime, and add one tablespoonful of orange syrup and one tablespoonful of sugar. Mix well, pour over cracked ice, and fill up the glass with cold water. Decorate with a cherry and serve with straws.
Orange pride
Put one tablespoonful of orange juice and pulp with three tablespoonfuls of vanilla syrup into a glass one-fourth full of cracked ice. Fill up with any charged water, and place a spoonful of whipped cream on top.
non-alcoholic drink recipes: Orangeade
Put two tablespoonfuls of cracked ice in a glass with two teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, and pour the juice of one orange over it. Fill up glass with any charged [sparkling] water.
Pineapple and ginger ale
Mix one grated fresh pineapple with one cup of sugar and put on ice until ready to serve. Then add the juice of two lemons, a bottle of ginger ale, and a pint of Apollinaris. This is sufficient for four people.
Strawberry water
Wash and mash a quart of ripe strawberries. Cover with one pound of sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and set aside for three or four hours. Strain through a jelly bag and add one pint of cold water. Serve with cracked ice and vichy.
Vermont cooler
Mix one half pint each of maple syrup, honey, and raspberry juice. Put four tablespoonfuls into a glass and fill up with soda water.
Raspberry favorite
Take the juice of one orange, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, one tablespoonful of raspberry syrup, and one tablespoonful of grape juice. Sweeten with one tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Mix well. Put into a glass half full of cracked ice and fill up with soda water.
Loganberry julep
To one quart bottle of loganberry juice, add a handful of fresh mint. Steep for two hours and then strain. Add a quart of Apollinaris and serve with raspberries and a sprig of mint in each glass.
MORE: 37 cool, non-alcoholic drinks for an old-fashioned punchbowl
The Seattle
Mix four tablespoonfuls of raspberry syrup and four tablespoonfuls of sweet cream. Pour into a glass one-fourth full of chopped ice and add a ladleful of peach ice cream. Fill up the glass with soda water. Decorate with pieces of peach.
Virginia julep
Add the strained juice of half a lemon to four tablespoonfuls of plain syrup. Put into a glass one-third full of cracked ice and fill up with cider. Put a grating of nutmeg on top, and decorate with a sprig of mint. Bruise a few of the lower leaves of the mint to bring out the flavor.
Banana cream
Mix two tablespoonfuls of sweet cream with two tablespoonfuls of vanilla syrup and one half of a banana thinly-sliced. Add a spoonful of ice cream and shake well. Pour into a glass without straining, add cold milk and a spoonful of whipped cream.
The Audubon
Mix thoroughly four tablespoonfuls of maple syrup, four tablespoonfuls of ice cream, and two tablespoonfuls of sweet cream. Fill up the glass with cold milk and decorate with a sprig of mint.
Non-alcoholic drink recipes: The Ansonia
Mix four tablespoonfuls of maple syrup with six tablespoonfuls of sweet cream. Add cracked ice and shake well. Fill up glass with soda water and put in a spoonful of ice cream.
The Riverside
Pour two tablespoonfuls of maple syrup and two tablespoonfuls of pineapple syrup into a glass half full of chopped ice. Add a spoonful of ice cream and fill up the glass with soda water. Grated pineapple may be added.
Grape cobbler
Put two tablespoonfuls of grape juice into a small glass with a little cracked ice and fill up the glass with ginger ale. Serve with straws.
Grape royal
Put two tablespoonfuls of grape juice, one-half tablespoonful of lemon juice, and one-half tablespoonful of orange juice into a tall glass, half filled with cracked ice. Add two teaspoons of powdered sugar. Stir well, and fill up the glass with ice-cold water. Garnish with a slice of orange or a piece of lemon peel.
Grape juice delight
Bruise several sprigs of mint in a glass and half fill with cracked ice. Pour in enough grape juice to fill the glass and decorate with sprigs of mint. Serve with straws.
Ginger ale julep
Take the leaves from a few sprigs of mint and bruise in a glass with thin strips of lemon peel. Add the juice of half a lemon, one tablespoonful of powdered sugar, stir to a paste, and place directly on the ice for one hour to chill and ripen. When ready to serve, put the mixture into a tall glass, one-half full of cracked ice, and fill up with cold ginger ale. Stir thoroughly and garnish with two cherries and a sprig of mint.
Havana julep
Crush six sprigs of mint and add one pint of grape juice, three tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, four tablespoonfuls of grapefruit juice, one can of grated pineapple, one-half cup of sugar, and a little salt and nutmeg. Mix well and put on ice for an hour, until thoroughly blended, then strain through a fine sieve, and serve in glasses with cracked ice.
ALSO SEE: 100 years of classic mint julep recipes (1862-1962)
1920s non-alcoholic drink recipes: Auditorium cooler
Into a glass pitcher, put one teaspoonful of powdered sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one bottle of ginger ale, and two small pieces of ice. Stir until cold, and serve in glasses decorated with pieces of lemon.
Bronx cooler
Put in a glass pitcher the rind of one lemon, three lumps of ice, one bottle of ginger ale, and one bottle of sarsaparilla. When thoroughly chilled, serve in glasses decorated with pieces of mint.
Horse’s neck
Peel a lemon in one long strip and put it in a glass so that one end hangs over. Pour the juice of the lemon into a shaker with cracked ice, a tablespoonful of sugar, and the juice of half a grapefruit. Shake well, and when cold, turn into the glass with the peel, and fill up with ginger ale.