See all the best retro brands here (many of which are, sadly, long gone). What were your favorites?
BUT WAIT – THERE’S MORE! Cereals from the 1950s | 1970s breakfast cereals | Vintage 80s cereal | Radical 90s cereals
The rising popularity of breakfast cereal (1967)
In the beginning was Shredded Wheat.
Today, there are Alpha Bits and Apple Jacks, Bran Buds, Bran Flakes and Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Chex, Rice Chex, and Wheat Chex, Cocoa Krispies, Cocoa Puffs, Concentrate, Corn Crackos, Corn Flakes, Corn Nix, Crispy Critters, Froot Loops, Frosty O’s, Grape Nuts and Grape Nuts Flakes, Honeycomb, Krumbles, Lucky Charms, OKs, Puffa-Puffa Rice, Quake and Quisp, Rice Krispies, Special K, Stars, Sugar Crisp, Sugar Frosted Flakes, Sugar Jets, Sugar Pops, Sugar Smacks, Sugar Sparkled Rice Krinkles, Total, Trix, Wheat Stax, and, of course, Wheaties — to name a few of the breakfast cereals now on the market.
The list amounts to second-degree assault on the language, but it adds up to about 1.2 billion pounds of cleverly disguised corn, oats, rice, and wheat that will be sold to Americans this year as breakfast food. Americans, obviously, buy a lot of ready-to-eat cereals.
Retail sales of dry cereals will total about $660 million this year. The business can be very profitable: even a one percent share of that market can generate something on the order of $1 million in pretax profits.
With sales up 43 percent in the past five years, the dry cereal business has been one of the fastest-growing segments of the food industry. It is no coincidence that this growth has paralleled a surge in the number of very young Americans. Children consume about half the cereal eaten in the US.
The industry’s ability to reach this market so well rests on two things: persuading mothers of the nutritional value that is built into even the most ridiculous names on those gaudy packages; and persuading the children themselves, on afternoon and Saturday morning television shows, to demand cereals featuring “go power” or “crunchability.”
This bifold approach has sold a lot of cereal. It has also enabled the manufacturers to promote the uniqueness of their brands, and thus insulate themselves from private labeling and price competition that raise havoc with other package groceries.
Vintage Post cereals
Post Toasties corn flakes, Alpha-Bits, Grape Nuts, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes & Blueberries, Honeycomb, Sugar Crisp
Honey-Comb cereal – with the Honeycomb Kid (1960)
DON’T MISS: 70 popular vintage 1970s cereals we loved & we miss
Post Alpha Bits cereal: Alphabet letters you could eat
Vintage Post Super Sugar Crisp cereal (1969)
40 percent bran flakes cereal (1967)
ALSO SEE: Giant Raisin Bran cookies recipe (1998)
Vintage Post Grape Nuts cereal (1962)
1960s Corn Flakes and Strawberries cereal (1966)
Corn Flakes and Blue Berries cereal (1968 & 1966)
Vintage Kellogg’s breakfast cereals
OKs, Concentrate, Krumbles, Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Special K, Froot Loops, 40% Bran Flakes, Product 19, Puffa Puffa Rice, Raisin Bran, Cocoa Krispies, Apple Jacks, Sugar Smacks, Sugar Pops
MORE FROM KELLOGG’S: The original Rice Krispies Treats recipe & their delicious history
Vintage Kellogg’s Sugar Frosted Flakes (1961)
Tony the Tiger says they’re Gr-r-reat!
Popular old Kellogg’s cereal brands from 1960
All-Bran, OKs, Raisin Bran, All Stars, Sugar Pops, Sugar Smacks
Corn Flakes, Special K, Rice Krispies, Sugar Frosted Flakes, Shredded Wheat, 40% Bran Flakes
Apple Jacks box – packaging design from 1965

Vintage Kellogg’s Cream Crunch – ice cream cereal (1965)
Chunks of real ice cream freeze-dried in a nutritious cereal – Flavors available: Vanilla, Strawberry & Orange
Vintage Kellogg’s Triple Snack cereal (1960s)
Triple Snack “cereal”/snack mix had sugar puffed corn, sugar puffed wheat, and roasted peanuts.
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with Instant Bananas (1960s)
Just add milk… presto! Real banana slices. (Banana man character based on Jimmy Durante)
Corn Flakes cereal from 1960
Variety Pack small cereal boxes from 1961
Grocery store shelves full of Quaker products (1960)
Cereals, Mother’s Oats, corn meal, grits, Flako, graham flour, dog food
Classic Quaker cereals
Quaker cereals available in 1962: Life, Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice, Muffets Shredded Wheat
Quaker: Cap’n Crunch, Quisp, Quake
Old Cap’N Crunch cereal box from 1965
What’s new? Life cereal is new! (1962)
Life has the most useful protein ever in a ready-to-eat cereal! We useful proteins proudly present the happiest tasting protein cereal ever created!
You’ll love life! Now from oats… nature’s richest protein grain… Quaker brings you Life!
Huge vintage Life breakfast cereal store display concept
Fewer calories than a slice of dry toast (and you don’t even have to add sugar)
Quaker’s two Diet Frosted cereals have fewer calories per serving than any other kind of cereal! A full cup of Diet Frosted Rice Puffs has only 56 calories; Wheat Puffs only 51.
What’s more, Diet Frosted is already sweetened to adult tastes. But not with sugar. “I feel thinner already”
Nabisco & Ralston Purina cereals
Nabisco: Spoon Size Shredded Wheat, All Family Team flakes
Ralston Purina: Wheat Chex, Rice Chex
Vintage Nabisco Rice Cream Flakes cereal (1967)
A new cereal — crunchy as a cone! Dipped in freeze-dried real ice cream
Discover Team Flakes, the first cereal to blend four grains for flavor – Nabisco (1965)
Popular vintage General Mills cereals in 1967
Cheerios, Wheaties, Kix, Trix; Jets, Sugared Frosty O’s, Total, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms
MORE FROM GENERAL MILLS: Hot buttered Cheerios recipe (1982)
Vintage 1960s Lucky Charms cereal
General Mills: Clackers cereal (1968-1969)
Clackers, the cereal with the flavor of graham crackers, made its market debut in September 1968. [Looks like an early version of Golden Grahams.]
Twinkles – Vintage 1960s cereal
Now there’s a cereal you can stack: Vintage Stax cereal (1966)
Once you stop snacking and start eating, you’ll find there’s more to STAX than stacking. New wheat Stax really taste good. They’re bite-size chunks of toasted whole wheat.
Crunchier because they’re toasted on bottom, top, sides — even inside. They’re the toastiest, tastiest, crunchiest, stackiest cereal you’ve ever tasted.
Country Corn Flakes with Rice – General Mills (1960s)
MORE SCARECROW: The classic Wizard of Oz movie: Behind the scenes, cast interviews, costumes & lots more
General Mills cereals for the 1960s
Big new G on the box means… very special Goodness from General Mills
- Cheerios: The goodness of toasted oats
- Wheaties: The goodness of toasted whole wheat flakes
- Trix: The goodness of fruit flavor corn puffs
- Cocoa Puffs: The goodness of chocolate flavor corn puffs
- Jets: The goodness of sugar-toasted oats and wheat
- Hi-Pro: The goodness of high-protein flakes
- Kix: The goodness of crispy corn puffs
- Frosty-Os: The goodness of sugar-charged oats
- Pick-a-Pack: The goodness in every pack you pick
Vintage 1960s Sugaroos cereal – Sugary oat puffs
NOW SEE THIS: 70 popular vintage 1970s cereals we loved & we miss
1960s breakfast cereals were a battlefield
From LIFE magazine, August 21, 1970
The latest — and boldest — salvo to be aimed at the nation’s eating habits came from Robert B. Choate Jr., a wealthy maverick who has become a food expert.
Armed with a large chart and a huge bundle of statistical material, Choate appeared before a Senate subcommittee and proceeded to demolish, as best he could, one of America’s most cherished ideals. He claimed that most of that vast mountain of flaked, shredded, tinted, rolled, puffed, popped and frosted wheat, oats, corn and rice that millions of American kids chomp through each morning is without merit as food.
Even with milk added, he continued, the average cereal fails as a complete meal, and most of them are so deficient in nutrition that they are just so many “empty calories.” Finally, he complained bitterly of the way cereals are “huckstered” to children on the Saturday morning TV cartoon and adventure shows.
The cereal manufacturers hit back hard and fast. They flatly denied Choate’s charges and maintained that “breakfast cereals are good foods.” Besides, they said, cereals provide a delicious and filling breakfast which kids love.
Choate was a little hard on cereals. Dieticians have never considered cereals as complete meals, and they usually reserve the term “empty calories” for foods like sugar and alcohol, which provide absolutely no nutritional value other than calories.
Cereals do contain B vitamins and some protein, and a breakfast of enriched cereal, milk and a glass of orange juice probably is adequate for a small child.
Of course, the fact of the matter is that many cereal lovers are not small children — or even teenagers. Millions of adults, brought up on the breakfast of heroes, champions and spy-catchers, still start off each day with an inspirational bowlful.
And the manufacturers might console themselves with the thought that no amount of congressional testimony is likely to shake their deeply-held faith. Nutrition experts may stop eating cereals for breakfast. But not nostalgic would-be champions.
NOW SEE THIS: Vintage 1970s cereals
11 Responses
Does anyone remember Raisin Flakes?
Yes…How could I forget…I HATED that cereal….
What was the name of that breakfast food back in the 60’s and 70’s in which there was a young kid flexing his arm? It was to imply that this product will make you big and strong. If you can find it, can you post it. It doesn’t seem to be on any vintage breakfast food/cereal websites.
Wasn’t it H-O Farina?
Hey Peter, I was just about to ask that same exact question…(are you also from Brooklyn?). I’ve been searching the internet for 20 years looking for a photo of that cereal box and I could never find it…
I don’t even remember the name of the cereal…. The first time I saw that cereal box in a Key Food (Marlboro Projects shopping center) I was about 5 years old in 1969 and it LIT ME UP!!! The boy was wearing a white tank top… I WANTED TO LOOK LIKE THAT 11 YO KID WITH A BICEP ON THAT CEREAL BOX!!!! Yes…I thought that cereal would give me muscles… I’ve been exercising since I was about 9yo and became more serious when looking at my best friend’s bodybuilding magazines when I was about 13yo…. Drop me an email if you find it… DQuinn888(at)Gma!
My Name is Stuart Green. I was in a TV advert for Flying Start Breakfast Porrige Do you have a copy I am now 68 years old. It was on TV every day in the UK 60s
How could you forget Post Oat Flakes? (Or, was that in the 70’s?)
Post Oat Flakes debuted around 1959, and they lived up to their jingle: “Get the taste of oatmeal cookies!” In 1967 or so, at the time people began ripping into the sugary cereals, Post did the same thing to Oat Flakes that they did to Sugar Crisp — they added vitamins and minerals and renamed the product FORTIFIED Oat Flakes. They were still delicious, but they went soggy very quickly in milk…I miss them even today!
Growing up in the 70s, I loved Quisp and Quake (they were basically the same cereal, both similar to Cap’n Crunch). Recently they’ve brought back Quisp, but Quake is nowhere to be found. A similar cereal from the era was King Vitamin. Funny that there were so many variations on one cereal…
I’ve been looking for information on a cereal that was available briefly in the late ’60s, I think:
Grambits (or was it Grahambits, or Graham Bits, or?)
They looked a bit similar to the Wheat Stax in the article above, but were a bit thicker and shaped like a miniature flat loaf of bread, though convex on one side, concave on the other, if I remember correctly. Also like the Wheat Stax, their surface was studded with sharp edges, making them pretty hard on the inside of the mouth, the probable reason for their brief stay in the market.
But the taste! They tasted STRONGLY of graham crackers, yet not quite as sweet, which I loved in spite of the rough texture—it just needed a little soaking time to soften up.
Any recollections and/or links would be much appreciated!
I remember Kellogg’s Puffa Puffa Rice. I may have eaten it a few times, but what I really liked was the early TV commercials of the late 1960s. They had a Hawaiian motif, complete with palm trees, sunshine, surfers, natives in canoes, tourists enjoying their vacation in “paradise,” and of course, hula dancers.
One of the first ads showed only one hula girl, who later became a popular entertainer under the name Anita Aloha. Shortly after, there was a similar ad with two hula dancers, an adult (I don’t remember if it was “Anita Aloha” or not) and a little girl. 🤩
That ad was my favorite, because I developed a HUGE CRUSH ON THAT LITTLE GIRL! 🥰 She was so pretty and I just loved that beautiful smile of hers.😍 Even today, over half a century later, I still can’t get that girl out of my mind.
That’s why I have been looking for that ad practically everywhere on the internet, all without success. I’ve checked on various websites dealing with old-time cereals, on YouTube (it has a few Puffa Puffa Rice commercials, but none of them was the one I’m looking for), I left comments on YouTube asking if anyone knows where I can find the ad, but they didn’t do any good. I left comments on other websites about it, and I even sent a couple of messages to that Anita Aloha woman, one on YouTube and the other on Facebook (she has her own FB account), but she never responded, nor did I get any responses from the other websites. ZILCH! NOTHING! NADA!
I wonder if anyone on THIS SITE knows where I can find that commercial so I can see that pretty little hula girl again after all these years.💖💞💗💕 Can anybody out there help me? CAN ANYBODY?
Does anyone remember a hot cereal named Hygram(not sure of spelling) it was a hot cooked cereal that tasted like Graham crackers! It was delicious!