Classic Maxwell automobiles: See some of the oldest cars from the early 1900s

Old Maxwell brand car from 1905

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The first two images below show models of the classic Maxwell automobiles as they were back in 1905, when the New York-based company was just a year old.

For a time, they were one of the major players on the automobile scene, along with Buick and Ford.

Then in 1921, Walter P Chrysler bought most of the Maxwell car company — four years before he started his own car company, Chrysler. That new corporation took over the older company’s assets, and the Maxwell brand was no more by the end of 1925.

Two leading cars in mid-winter (1909)

A Maxwell 16-horse-power double opposed-cylinder touring car disputing the right of way with a runabout of the same type in central park. – From Scientific American magazine

Classic 1905 Maxwell cars in Scientific American magazine

Classic Maxwell automobiles – Low cost of upkeep (1905)

16 HP Touring car: $1400 / 8 HP Tourabout: $750

The car that keeps repair bills down, not only makes new friends but keeps the old ones. The owner of a Maxwell does not have to live near a repair shop in order to get any use out of his car, nor is he constantly confronted with the possibility of a long walk home.

He has an automobile that he can absolutely rely on. The longer he has it, the more he realizes that fact and the more he talks about it to his friends.

Right there is the basis of Maxwell popularity.

The Maxwell cards have no pump (thermo-siphon). Their double opposed motor is in front under the hood and easily accessible in every part. They have bevel gear drive. Metal bodies. Transmission case and crank case in one aluminum casting. Perfectly simple, simply perfect.

Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Co., Tarrytown, New York

DON’T MISS: See Ford assembly lines from 100 years ago, mass-producing Model T cars

The Maxwell automobile (1905)

ALSO SEE: Classic Cars Adult Coloring Book #1: Early American Automobiles (1895-1919)

Antique Maxwell cars from 1909

It has been our ambition to make the Maxwell perfectly simple, simple perfect

The best moderate-priced car — the best in material, workmanship and durability. To this we have been faithful by refusing to compete in price with every experiment.

Our aim has been to build the Model D. A., 30 H. P., $1,750 best, then set the cost– not to skimp and cut for the mere sake of price sensationalism.

Fifteen thousand satisfied Maxwell owners furnish the proof of our success — each enthusiastic and ready to “stand sponsor” for the Maxwell claims.

That though moderate in price Maxwell cars are made under the same rigid inspection, of as high-grade material and workmanship, and are as durable as should be the best high-priced cars.

Each of the six Maxwell models represent the highest value of its class. You ought to know the principles of Maxwell construction. Let us send you our catalog.

Antique Maxwell cars from 1909

DON’T MISS THIS: See 55 of the earliest automobiles ever manufactured

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